Relentless It is our complete ambition to passionately seek and glorify God in all we do. We relentlessly and unashamedly will pursue Him as we worship, pray and understand his Word. We seek the applause of God.
Urgency We are a "movement" church earnestly contending for the faith. It is our responsibility to let the Mississippi Gulf Coast know that time is running out. This begins with the nearly 3000 in our local community.
Expectation We expect a harvest. The harvest only comes when seeds are sown. Seed sowing is an act of faith. A faith walk is a walk of obedience that is sometimes lonely and trying. We know that God desires complete obedience and we are ready to risk and surrender everything to love God and develop disciples.
Belonging We Embrace! We are a place that will reflect the overall diversity of our community. We will not be divided by race, socioeconomic background, nor political affiliations. As we come together as the Desired Nation, our lives and our city will be transformed because of our unity!
Progress We will love you where you’re at and love you enough not to leave you there. It’s time to change our city and our world, but it’s got to start with me! At Desired Nation we will always ask you, our church and our community; “What’s your Next Step?” Jesus promised us a full and abundant life that can only be found if we are growing and developing into his image.
Trust is an intricate component of the foundation of a healthy relationship. For this reason, trust must be constructed, nurtured, and constantly reenforced. At DNC, each of our core values is encompassed inside of trust. Trust requires us to carefully re-evaluate motives, remember our purpose, and respond to our calling to pursue God and cultivate meaningful relationships that lead others to Him.